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Inspiring Story of the Week – THANK YOU MISTER by Elsa Kurt

Inspiring Story


by Elsa Kurt

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In this story, Elsa shares her memories of a teacher she called Mister.  There were times when he’d push her to the point of tears or utter frustration. Once he even kicked her out of class. Sounds strange, but there was a method to his madness.

Elsa confesses that she was a total slacker in high school, drifting through classes in a haze, mostly oblivious, always with passive resistance to structure and rules. Many a teacher called her ditzy, and most just rolled their eyes and sent her home with reports that said variations of, She has the potential, just not the focus. You see, the term ADD hadn’t been recognized yet. Regardless, Elsa rolled with the labels and cheerfully embodied them, meeting teachers’ low expectations will relish. 

But semester one of her junior year, all that changed. As Elsa passed by Mister’s classroom,  as usual he stood in his doorway. But instead of wearing his usual funny, smirky grin, he wore a serious scowl. It was directly focused on Elsa.

Inspiring story of a teacher named Mister

With great fondness, Elsa recalls Mister, the high school teacher who made her cry, while helping her recognize the infinite power of words. His magical gift has enabled her to become a multi-award winning author today. As you read her story, you might just learn a bit more about making your own writing evoke through the infinite power of words.


Thank You Mister is now published in both:

Tales2Inspire ~ The Opal Collection        &        Tales2Inspire ~ The Diamond Collection – Series IV

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