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Inspiring stories


Each Tales2Inspire® gem collection is filled with contest winning, inspiring stories. Powerful, honed to perfection, the inclusion of original photographs with each story makes these books standouts beyond what the Chicken Soup for the Soul anthologies deliver.


The Tales2Inspire stories make lasting impressions, often giving readers pause for reflection with renewed motivation as they move forward in their daily lives. Fabulous gifts at such an affordable price! Buy them now to have on hand for all the special people in your life.

Remember our motto: Give the gift of inspiration at less than the cost of a box of chocolates.

Tales2Inspire ~ The Emerald Collection

Unbelievable but true – Beyond Coincidence events that might leave you questioning:

Is there an unknown force that navigates the course of our lives?

Contest winning authors write Inspiring stories of beyond coincidence events in this Tales2Inspire ~ The Emerald Collection

The Emerald, the symbol for intuitive awareness, is the root of past, present and future connections. Is there really such a thing as coincidence? A girl learns that her childhood heroine is actually her biological sister. They meet and discover that their handwriting, talents and interests are exactly the same. A runaway dog sits in a garden miles from home, too frightened to move. Its frantic owner stops a total stranger, who turns out to be the one person who can lead her to her dog. These and more Beyond Coincidence award-winning stories will make you wonder if we are really as free as we think we are. Are there unknown forces guiding our lives?


Tales2Inspire ~ The Topaz Collection

True, motivational stories of Awakenings moments to uplift your spirits, enrich your thoughts and inspire you to live a more meaningful life.

The Topaz Collection of Personal Awakenings Stories

The Topaz, the symbol for self-realization and confidence, brings us a collection of Awakenings stories.A mama cow unexpectedly dies seconds before giving birth to her newborn calf. A city gal fearfully helps bring this calf into the world. She raises him to a 2000 pound bull with the pride of a mother toward her growing child. A skilled psychologist teaches a quadriplegic little boy how to use mental imagery to ‘touch and feel’ things that are physically impossible for him to do. With his newly acquired skills, he grows up to lead a fuller life, becoming a role model for others. While enjoying the award-winning stories in this collection, you might begin to reflect on some special awakenings moments in your own life.


Tales2Inspire ~ The Sapphire Collection

Powerful, true stories filled with unforgettable memories that shout out, pass me along, share me with your family and friends.

Contest winning authors write Inspiring stories of powerful memories for Tales2Inspire ~ The Sapphire Collection

The Sapphire the symbol for communication, insight and inspiration, brings us a collection of Timeless Memories to echo in your mind. A young boy plans a wonderful surprise for his pappy – an opportunity to join some circus band musicians for an afternoon of tooting. Later he learns that he gave his pappy the most special day of his life. A teacher uses her dog to help manage her class of special needs students. A boy with severe behavior problems stops acting out, at first whispering secrets in the dog’s ear, later making friends within his class. We hope these award winning stories inspire you, the reader, to recall some of your timeless memories, too precious to be forgotten, to inspire your family and friends.


Tales2Inspire ~ The Ruby Collection

Motivational stories of human and even non-human species responding to others in time of need. Their gifts of compassion will lighten your spirits while warming your heart.

Gifts of Compassion in these #Inspiring stories in the Tales2Inspire Ruby Collection

The Ruby, the symbol for friendship and love, is a collection of stories sharing some amazing Gifts of Compassion. A woman rescues an abused, emaciated horse, nursing him back to good health and confidence. Although thrilled to join some equine pals in the field, he is always the first to come running when his human friend reappears. A black belt champion throws a temper tantrum each time he loses a match. But he isn’t fighting for a trophy or glory. He fights to keep ghetto children out of harm’s way, for one more day. This collection of award-winning stories might just inspire you to live your life with a more open heart.


Tales2Inspire ~ The Garnet Collection

Magical stories of our friends in feathers and fur and their human friends who love them.

Inspiring stories in Tales2Inspire ~ The Garnet Collection

The Garnet, the symbol known to revitalize and boost energy, is just what our animal friends do for us. You will read some amazing stories of animals covered by feathers or fur. A service dog stands between his owner and a minibus, to protect her from the brunt of its impact. A white goose befriends a near blind lab, and begins taking him on daily walks, serving as his ‘guide dog’ as they circle the pond. In the words of Dr. Bernie Siegel, Animals are teachers and healers while we have much to learn. The award-winning stories in this collection share tales of some incredible animals and the burst of energy they give the humans who love them.


Tales2Inspire ~ The Pearl Collection

Stories of some amazing kids with individual passions, who have created awesome projects to better our world.

True stories of awsesome kids in thie #Tales2Inspire #PearlCollection

The Pearl, the symbol for youth, purity and generosity, is the perfect match for the stories that fill the pages of this book. You are about to meet some awesome kids, kids making an incredible impact to better our world. From saving gorillas slated for black market poaching, to rescuing dogs from kill shelters, from supplying needy children with backpacks filled with school supplies, to activists working to clean up our environment. . . . Feeling discouraged about the next generation? Read their stories for a burst of optimism.


Tales2Inspire ~ The Crystal Collection

Laugh-out-loud stories with well formed, funny observations about kife and living that shimmer with humorous truths.

The Crystal is known for its healing properties. Humor, too, is a healer as it lifts our spirits, transporting us from the here and now to several moments of pure amusement. We laugh at the failed experience of the brash young man who takes his girlfriend for a sail, but by the end of the day, has lost both boat and girlfriend. We giggle with amusement at the musical valentine that has a hidden Sonny and Cher surprise under its heart shaped cover. In the words of Josh Billings, Laughter is the sensation of feeling good all over and showing it principally in one place. The award-winning stories in this collection help us feel good all over, bringing a smile to our lips and some joy to our hearts.


Tales2Inspire ~ The Opal Collection

Inspiring stories from people who are stronger today because of challenges they faced and battles they won.

Tales2Inspire ~ The Opal Collection

The Opal, the symbol for encouragement of positive emotions, teaches us that what we put out comes back to us. Such are the underlying messages of this collection of Stronger Today stories: A WWII captain drags a tattered rug into a foxhole, comforting his troops during one of their fiercest battles . . . A mentally ill former employee holds a supervising nurse hostage. She emerges after forty-eight hours with multiple gunshot wounds, but with a new understanding of how vulnerability can be the foundation of strength. These and many more award winning stories share challenging moments – some dramatic, others more light-hearted – but all reflective of messages we hope you, the reader, will absorb to strengthen you as well.


Tales2Inspire ~ The Moonstone Collections

Book 1 and Book 2

The Moonstone, the gem symbolizing new beginnings,  meets its mark in representing the winning stories in  Turning the Page ~ Books 1 & 2 collections. Readers who crave inspiration will be mesmerized by the stories in these Tales2Inspire® bejeweled anthologies, books that often get tattered in the reading and chosen as gifts to please anyone with a heart! Winning stories in this Moonstone Collection range from a struggle with infertility to  a Weiner dog love story. A living angel becomes the surrogate mother for her sister-in-law, leaving years of heartache behind with a dream to-be-good-to-be-true finally fulfilled. The father of an autistic boy discovers that by endorsing his son’s specialness, he no longer feels a need to “cure him”. These are just a sampling of the award winning stories within this collection – some light-hearted, others sharing life challenges overcome through tenacity. 


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Have books on hand to give as gifts to all the special people in your life.

(And don’t forget to write a personal message inside each front cover telling that person why they are so special to you.)



#Tales2Inspire books filled with contest winning stories


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