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Book marketing solutions


Global reach book marketing strategies for Tales2Inspire ® winners – some FREE, others, at add-on affordable fees.Tales2Inspire promtes their Get worldwide recognitions for your winning inspiring stories.




You can help grow the prestige of your Tales2Inspire® award through these four FREE opportunities to promote yourself.

FREE: Your story gets published as a winning story in a Tales2Inspire® inspirational book collection.

What you can do: Post your WINNER, FINALIST or HONORABLE MENTION seal on your website and social media pages. Broadcast this honor to your friends and family, including your social media friends and followers.

FREE: As a Tales2Inspire® author, your story gets featured on a separate blog page of our website as the INSPIRING STORY OF THE WEEK. You will be notified via e-mail each time your story is featured.

What you can do: Direct your circle of family and friends, including your social media friends and followers, to the URL of your blog page and encourage them to pay it forward.

FREE: Each month our newsletter features the blog pages of three different winning authors, with a link back to their individual blog pages. You will be notified in advance and get repeat turns (on a rotating basis) .(The Tales2Inspire® monthly newsletter goes out to many hundreds of subscribers and our list continues to grow.)

What you can do: Encourage your circle of family and friends, including your social media friends, to download the FREE Tales2Inspire® sampler of six winning stories. Tell them that when they do, they will receive intros to three more stories each month, often with some posted free offers.

FREE: You are listed on Amazon as an author of the Tales2Inspire® book in which your story is published, but Amazon currently allows only 10 names to be listed.

What you can do: Sit down with several of your  friends to speak about any of the stories in one of the Tales2Inspire books. CLICK HERE, or copy and paste, for some simple, quick-and-easy guidelines to help them write a review.

Each Time You Help Promote Tales2Inspire®, you Are Helping to Promote Yourself

What you can do:

Give Tales2Inspire books as token Thank You or Thinking of You little gifts instead of a box of chocolates. (And don’t forget to write a message inside each front cover telling that person why they are special to you.) To order books at discount prices CLICK HERE.

FOLLOW us on our Facebook page and on TWITTER.

Pay it forward to your friends and ask them to LIKE and FOLLOW us on these same social media.

Once posted on the Tales2Inspire® website, share that link with all your friends, family and social media contacts.



Cheryl PhotoCheryl Stewart, Seattle, Wa.

Whom do I respect? She is someone I have not met, but is inspirational to me. A mentor who continues to encourage me to write. Lois went out of her way to make me feel good about what I have written and created a way to make publishing a possibility for me AND others.

Cami Hofstadter (2)
Cami Ann Hofstadter. Ph.D. – Miami, Fl.

Lois was always there to prod and encourage me. Lovingly, I came to look at her as the commander of a writers’ boot camp, who wants to draw the best out of her writers. This is one “draft” everyone should sign up for.