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Presentations & Workshops



Elwood Library

Creating memory books – from A to Z

The Greens Men’s Club

An audio-video presentation of some of the winning stories published in variousTales2Inspire collections.

Molloy II – Farmingdale, LI
The day everything that could go wrong, did go wrong! The presentation before mine went overtime, so although I arrived 45 minutes early, there was no way to set up my equipment in advance. Then the AV person couldn’t get either their projector or mine to work. And so I just shared some wonderful Tales2Inspire stories through talk and gesture. They were a very kind audience!  

The Writer’s Dream Show 
Watch this panel Discussion on Book Marketing and Power of the Group

Cable TV Molloy I – Rockville Center, LI
A double header of two sessions in one inspiring day while sharing the ‘stories behind the stories’ of some of my Tales2Inspire winners.

Elwood Library
Sharing our back stories: Each author has their own back story – the what, why and when that motivated you to write. What is yours?

Cold Spring Harbor Library
I was inspired, energized and vitalized. I’m going to pass on what she passed on to me and continue my journey of life. – Maria Diaz

Long Island Writer’s House (LIWH)
Lois W. Stern is an inspiration to me and other authors. She has used life-long talents as well as newly acquired ones like web and media skills to bring amazing and heart-warming Inspiring Tales to the reading public. To hear Lois speak at one of her engaging and sensitive presentations is truly a treat. Kudos, Lois! – Linda Maria Frank

 Huntington Public Library
An inspiring presentation about unleashing the buried stories sitting in our soul. Very sweet personality. Impressive woman who never seems to stop doing, learning and teaching.   – Kathleen Young

 Elwood Library
I was fascinated by your introduction, telling how you came to the place in your life when you gathered stories and wrote your first 
book. The content of your presentation was wonderful. I loved it! – Bebe Zimmerman

Syosset Public Library
Really liked the Marketing To-Do’s. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and good luck. 
– Kary Carkner

Gurwin Jewish Nursing and Rehab Center
It was a pleasure working with Mrs. Stern. She is professional, accommodating and flexible. Very interesting and inspirational stories. Audience members were amazed and intrigued. Mrs. Stern has a beautiful speaking voice. –  – Marjorie Cohen, Therapeutic Recreation Specialist/Supervisor

Venice Public LIbrary
A very informative presentation, especially about the technology helps available to us. You have opened my mind to new concepts in classifying stories. You have inspired me to try some of these things.  – Shirley Ann Reiter

East Islip Art Museum
This was a great workshop! Very motivating and educational! I hope this is available next year.  – Brianne O’Connell

Heckscher Museum of Art
I found this workshop most inspiring and instructive. Thank you.
– Cynthia Rabinowitze


Lois W. Stern
Limited availability for workshops & presentations

Text or phone: 516-524-0341