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Home » inspirational stories » INSPIRING STORY OF THE WEEK – INSTANT ATTRACTION by Barry Nisman




by Barry Nisman

This inspiring story takes place in a school where Barry was supervising college interns in a program to train developmentally disabled adults. He found one of those interns particularly attractive, but being a professional, he knew better than to step over that line. Yet as he continued to supervise Hannah, he began to appreciate her maturity as well as her good looks.

How to approach Hannah

Barry began to think through  a plan, a way to approach Hanna without crossing boundaries. He decided that he would wait until the last day of the program when their professional relationship ended. That would be an appropriate time to say something to let her know of his interest.

Fast forward to the end of semester, when Hannah turned to him to shake his hand and say goodbye. Barry decided he would open the door a bit wider. He told her how much he enjoyed working with her, and said that if she was ever interested in having dinner, he would like to do that. Then he offered her a card with his telephone number, and his carefully rehearsed speech. “Hannah, if you would like to do so, feel free to give me a call.”

The inspiring story continues . . .

Instant Attraction, an inspiring story

Instant Attraction

Barry didn’t hear back from Hanna for three or four day, but then his phone finally rang. When Hannah did call back, they learned that they lived within two blocks of one another. But Barry didn’t learn Hanna’s secret until many months had passed. How could she show her interested without coming on too strong? She was rehearsing her own method of turning their professional relation into something a bit more social. Her friend helped her devise a plan. But when she went to say goodbye to Barry, extending her damp, clammy hand into his firm handshake, she lost her nerve. She just didn’t have the courage to follow though on her friend’s advice. Fortunately, she didn’t have to. Barry’s plan worked out just fine.

Watch frames 2:11 – end for more of Barry’s story.



This story is now published in Tales2Inspire~ The Sapphire Collection.

(Stories that Echo in the Mind)

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